AIX Provence Rose 750ml AIX Provence Rose 750ml
4.5 stars - "Review for AIX Provence Rose 750ml" This AIX Provence Rose 750ml is the best Rose Wines I have tried.
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AIX Provence Rose 750ml

Product ID: 70568

View or buy the Rose Wines Rose Wines - AIX Provence Rose 750ml from AIX PROVENCE to discover other options and shipping details.


AIX is a well-balanced premium Provence ros with a typical hypnotising salmon pink colour. The nose is fresh and fragrant, delicate yet youthful with sophisticated notes of fresh red fruits, peach and subtle flower hints. It offers roundness on the palate and a beautiful aromatic depth, before finding freshness and some minerality in its long and precise finish. Made with love, passion and pride, AIX Ros is elegant, generous and delicious - with the power to make any moment of the day feel effortless.

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